This is your day!
Events by Lily is the choice for all your event planning needs! We are committed to delivering an outstanding event that you will never forget! Creating the perfect event for you is not just a job for us…. Our work is inspired by our passion and love for what we do and our creativity and know how. Our aim is to ensure that your day will be a most memorable one…
Whether you live in Cyprus or overseas we can tailor your event to your needs, dreams and budget and create a meaningful day for you with our sense of style. We give special attention to each event and give our very best effort to offer you the desired package.
Our team is always there to relieve you of all – constraints and make your moments unique, regardless of the size or budget of the event! Each function we undertake is unique. Each client; each budget; each location;and each brief is different – and as a result, wherever possible, we tailor our response and our creative skills appropriately.
Led by the experienced event planner Lily Papadopoulou, who managed and organised events for a wide portfolio of clients, Events by Lily is committed to offering you an outstanding event for every occasion with the highest level of service.

You Imagine...We create...

Those simple words can perfectly describe the “Events by Lily” team. We accomplished an incredibly success in events/wedding planning with a personal touch and style to it… which it is beyond compare!
Our team has created a brand by combining Lily’s passion to create and design spectacular and personal events – which suits the lifestyle of the selective customer.
Our moto is “Much More Than You Expect” and we treat each event/wedding with care and passion and our goal is to create a unique event with each and every one of you!